...for Enterprise Promotion, which individuals are nominated for to recognise their outstanding role in promoting the growth of business enterprise and/or entrepreneurial skills in others. The Queen’s Awards for Enterprise...
...ensure that each step of the user journey is measured, and the data is interpreted, so that drop-out points and other problems can be identified and fixed. The new hosting...
...alignment with general HQ needs across assisted digital (AD) and accessibility, and identifying a target group for the next phase. Collaboration with GDS to reuse the code on a different...
...caseworking tool’s code open, or provide a very strong justification why specific areas should not be. The Registered Traveller service needs to ensure it has the analytical tools and user...
GOV.UK is home to guidance, news and information from all government departments. We have over 400,000 unique pieces of content, and to give our users the best experience, we need...
...in water clarity, which means that the UKHO has been able to make better use of archived satellite images, as well as forecast future values for new data acquisition. The...
...users (as opposed to the preponderance of trade users in testing to date) Work with CESG to determine any potential new fraud/phishing/spam relay risks arising from taking this service online...
...about many (but nowhere near all) of the APIs published by public sector organisations. This is great, but it does have some drawbacks. The Technology Code of Practice recommends coding...
...assuming it will be the same as for GOV.UK Work with central web ops team to clarify and document how the new deployment processes will work for the Fee Remission...
...the Department for Education (DfE) uses an extended set of codes to record the ethnicity of students and teachers based around the 2001 Census classifications. Having these detailed ethnicity codes...
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This is a cross government blog about our work with data and the way we’re using performance analysis and data science techniques to improve service delivery and policy outcomes, and our work to find, access and use open government data.