Civil Service Fast Stream - Service Assessment
...meets user needs Recommendations for Beta While these are not required for the alpha reassessment, they should be considered during beta development and before coming in for a beta assessment....
...meets user needs Recommendations for Beta While these are not required for the alpha reassessment, they should be considered during beta development and before coming in for a beta assessment....
...and on-site testing and there is usability testing for each iteration. The focus in user testing has been tasked-based with payroll staff for medium and large organisations (those with more...
...service has front loaded the complexity of the charging scheme into the user journey for creating an account or paying for a journey. There is no clear route for a...
...information about user needs and can quickly respond to feedback. The team have changed processes to make the on-screen service simpler for users and keep them online (for example, removing...
...valuable for the development of the transactional service itself, which is closely related to the registration service and will be developed by the same team. The appropriate safety and security...
...code will lead to other services learning how to expose similar functionality in that manner. It should also provide working code for ideas that could potentially be taken to the...
...for a live service, providing the team makes significant progress during the beta phase in developing its formal policy and releasing its code. Use of design patterns and style guide...
...a key concern. The team did not feel support was needed from third parties for AD services, but the team need to understand what is already being provided. For example,...
...greater than 6 months. The service offers a structured contact route for individuals who are encountering problems either with enrolling their biometric features as part of an application for permission...
...user research and analytics. Make source code open and reusable - point 15 For beta assessment the panel expect to see steps taken for this project to be coded in...