Tier 2 Visa Service - Self Certification
...SRO sign-of will be secured prior to launch. Work is underway to identify sections of code for publication in open source repositories. Work is underway to integrate with the GOV.UK...
...SRO sign-of will be secured prior to launch. Work is underway to identify sections of code for publication in open source repositories. Work is underway to integrate with the GOV.UK...
...the service should focus on throughout the beta phase and must be addressed before coming for a live assessment. Publishing source code must be in place for the live assessment....
...No non-digital steps were identified. 15. Whilst HEFCE have confirmed they are happy to release the code they do not believe there is value in doing so due to the...
...relying as they do on a supplier (based in New York), with closed code, and GDS researchers. Also, it was noted with approval that the service team aims to split...
...source code, using open standards and following GOV.UK design patterns and style guide. The panel confirmed that assisted digital support only needs to be applied to the digital element of...
...team to continue to explore the potential to publish as much of the service’s code in the open as possible. Design It was noted that the date entry field pattern...
...website runs on minimal technology, using inexpensive cloud hosting. Supported by established open source tools and developing code in the open. This is the right way to allow iteration and...
...building a relationship with real users rather than being detached via a research group. Open source The code has not been open sourced. As there are no barriers to opening...
...alignment with general HQ needs across assisted digital (AD) and accessibility, and identifying a target group for the next phase. Collaboration with GDS to reuse the code on a different...
...kit. The service is supported on all devices, and there has already been a submission by phone. Open source code will be published on GitHub in the very near future....