Digital Forms - Beta Assessment users are requiring help with, but are not incorporating digital inclusion methods into any assisted digital support. 7. Digital Take-up The service team have a broad view on potential... users are requiring help with, but are not incorporating digital inclusion methods into any assisted digital support. 7. Digital Take-up The service team have a broad view on potential...
...the new Intranet for the Department of Health (DH). This replaces an old intranet called Delphi which started in 2003 and was rebuilt in 2008. The rebuild cost was £3m...
...SRO sign-of will be secured prior to launch. Work is underway to identify sections of code for publication in open source repositories. Work is underway to integrate with the GOV.UK...
...give the team full access to customer feedback which will inform future changes. See Survey Design in the Service Manual. There was no Information Asset Owner, to own the data...
...register, and re-uses information already held by HEFCE, which will be refreshed and updated regularly. Students do not need to input any personal information to use the tool and no... instrumented to provide better forward-looking analysis insight. Satisfactory plans are in place to provide benchmarking data, although several of the metrics will be gathered in a manual way, when...
...have increased flexibility in how and when they can access the money in their pension pots. They will be able to withdraw the whole pot as cash, purchase an annuity,...
...for Enterprise Promotion, which individuals are nominated for to recognise their outstanding role in promoting the growth of business enterprise and/or entrepreneurial skills in others. The Queen’s Awards for Enterprise... a service domain, the service team will need to remove all the guidance information from the first page of the service and work with GDS to include it on...
...and practices throughout, valuing individuals and interactions over processes and tools. Working in this way has allowed them to begin building a website that is so good users will genuinely...