...common use for agile delivery. Open source code is used but as recommended above, the panel want to see new open source code published at the earliest opportunity. Users will...
...users regularly and often. GDS is working on new design guides that will help services to develop services that will meet the service standard. A significant amount of user research...
...this will meet a support need. There is a requirement for users of the on-screen service to have an email address. The team had observed that users in user testing...
...the re-assessment. Test the prototype service with users - Service Standard points 1, 8, 9 and 20 The prototype’s end-to-end user journeys should be tested with the service’s users including...
...has focused on user-centric feature tests. All new code developed is unit tested. The working practices of the team enable continuous delivery and improvement. Design The panel was impressed with...
...Change of Address service is not yet on track to meet the Digital Service Standard at this early stage of development because there has been no user research with users...
...a second survey of internal users. The team intend to Have a limited beta starting with 5 posts which will cover a range of locations and volumes (Muscat, Rabat, New...
...and decision-making more transparent. Why use open source code for data analysis? To summarise many other articles on the benefits of using open source code for data analysis: Analyses and...
...the chat agent. Opening new windows to display the chat interface is not recommended as this introduces usability issues, especially with users with low digital skills, or users on mobile...
...are very concerning. Recommendations User Research More usability testing of the current prototype needs to be carried out, particularly in user lab sessions. This will enable a focus on meeting...
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This is a cross government blog about our work with data and the way we’re using performance analysis and data science techniques to improve service delivery and policy outcomes, and our work to find, access and use open government data.