Legalisation Service - Service Assessment to ensure that internal and external stakeholders are being kept up to date with progress. The technology choices are embracing open source and all code is being made available... to ensure that internal and external stakeholders are being kept up to date with progress. The technology choices are embracing open source and all code is being made available...
...conform to the service design manual and design patterns. The team will need to include a front-end developer that can quickly iterate the code and make changes to the template....
...was far superior and welcomed HMRC’s move to digital. Listening to the user has been at the core of service development designing such features as 'Save and Retrieve', summaries, ability... to meet, and will explore promotion of the digital service through key identified community groups in order to meet this target. Recommendations Research and user needs While the team...
...developers, the team cannot have confidence that the code delivered to web browsers works for service users on the devices and browsers they use, or in a way that is...
...with them to ensure that their non-repudiation requirements will be met. Coding in the Open The team are committed to open sourcing the code for the service from the outset....
...publishing platform, which concerned the panel before confirming that the team are capable of making their own amendments to the codebase should GOV.UK’s roadmap change. Security is being considered well... not available and confirm what the approach for this will be in public beta; ensure that they are evaluating code for sharing; implement Analytics and discuss (as already scheduled)...
...the ‘Column’ dimension. The parameter chosen is linked to the right dimension with a few lines of code. I then make an almost identical parameter and calculated field for the...
...the open. Though not necessary for the alpha reassessment, it will be important for the beta assessment that you have released all of your code unless there are robust and...