The Data Standards Authority is supporting a joined-up, trusted and responsive digital government through better use of data, and processes involving data.
An important part of working towards the goal of a connected, common data infrastructure for government is looking at the way the government plans, budgets and delivers projects, and how much focus is placed on the data element of a project at those early stages.
At GDS, planning (and funding!) a new project can mean applying the Service Standard to your proposed service, helping your team to create and operate good public services, and then often having your proposed service assessed to make sure it provides a good user experience.
The Service Standard, the Service Manual it’s a part of, and the service assessment process itself cover a lot of key fundamentals of building and maintaining good services. However, as the general importance of, and focus on, data keeps growing, it’s important that the data community keeps thinking about the best ways to recognise that importance.
The Data Standards Authority would like to invite you to play a leading role in the future development of the Service Manual and service assessment process, by thinking about how the use of data is considered each step of the way.
We’re running workshops on Friday 26 March, Wednesday 21 April, and Friday 23 April to allow you to add your voice to the conversation. The discussion will cover topics such as how the Service Standard currently deals with data quality, data management, data flow and organisation, as well as updating existing points and standard questions about data in the assessment process.
The session is already proving popular, so if it’s full when you try to sign up, please sign up to the waiting list on the event’s listing page as we plan further sessions.
Join the discussion as we explore together not just how to improve management of public sector data-focused projects but also how to increase the importance and visibility of data in government as a community.