e-Referrals - Service Assessment
...take-up of the service properly extrapolated. 16. Make all new source code open and reuseable, and publish it under appropriate licences (or provide a convincing explanation as to why this...
...take-up of the service properly extrapolated. 16. Make all new source code open and reuseable, and publish it under appropriate licences (or provide a convincing explanation as to why this...
...the online service independently. The service team must give early consideration to how they will open the source code for the Service to ensure that any small parts of code...
...etc. Open Source Code The panel were encouraged to hear HMRC are making progress in this area, but we are still yet to see any service code published. Publishing source...
...how IP addresses can be excluded from collection using when WebTrends. Ensure there are clear plans for publishing open source code in the next stage of development. The service team...
...to continuous integration and testing, as well as infrastructure as code. The team should ensure they continue to reduce the risk of lock-in to their current infrastructure provider. The team...
...source code to be made publicly available. Rather than making a judgement on what source code will be useful and reusable, the default approach should be to publish (sensitive information...
...code open and reusable. Although work is underway to make code from other components of the PAYE service available via a public GitHub it would be good to see code...
...functionality iterated until users can complete the prototype unaided and understand the process. Make source code open Defra owned source code being developed in-house by the service team should be...
...make it quicker to roll out updates and improvements. Point 15 - Make all new source code open and reusable, and publish it under appropriate licences (or give a convincing...
...code open and reusable- point 15 The service team should continue the work to open their source code. Testing the end to end service - Point 17 Ensure the service...