Using data science to build a taxonomy for GOV.UK
...understand and comment on. We decided to use Jupyter Notebook to document our experiments, because it allows us to write both code and free-form text, and expose the notebook via...
...understand and comment on. We decided to use Jupyter Notebook to document our experiments, because it allows us to write both code and free-form text, and expose the notebook via...
...code open and reusable, and the team told us that DVLA as a whole is now proposing to adopt this process. The process will include additional controls, reflecting the organisation’s...
...also not passed point 8 – although there are plans to share code within DVLA, and the team expressed a willingness to make its source code open and reusable, there...
...code open and reusable The team have a plan to open source the subsets of the code they are able to. We encourage them to do this sooner rather than...
...and constantly improving the service. A strong commitment to open sourcing the code (with all code being placed on Github), as well as to open data with each page being...
...panel were glad to see that improvements had been made since Alpha. The team have immediate plans to open up validation engine code, to support the external software providers, who...
...surprising: 53% of the time, manual coders disagreed about how a survey should be coded. We can see this in the chart below, which shows how often volunteer coders applied...
...make it quicker to roll out updates and improvements. Point 15 - Make all new source code open and reusable, and publish it under appropriate licences (or give a convincing...
...take-up of the service properly extrapolated. 16. Make all new source code open and reuseable, and publish it under appropriate licences (or provide a convincing explanation as to why this...
...functionality iterated until users can complete the prototype unaided and understand the process. Make source code open Defra owned source code being developed in-house by the service team should be...