...data science open, available, and accessible enables scrutiny from Parliament, the public and peers, and enables reuse of code. We work in challenging contexts and our analysis needs to be...
...the Department for Education (DfE) uses an extended set of codes to record the ethnicity of students and teachers based around the 2001 Census classifications. Having these detailed ethnicity codes...
...outlines best practices and practical considerations, including: choosing the right software and format using clear, consistent naming conventions checking for personal and hidden information using application code and formulas appropriately...
...about many (but nowhere near all) of the APIs published by public sector organisations. This is great, but it does have some drawbacks. The Technology Code of Practice recommends coding...
...code. This will inspire future developments to the package, completing the development cycle. Aside from the accessibility legislation, the biggest feedback was the need for an R native solution. R...
...content, to multiple lines of code and incomprehensible combinations of characters. To extract insights, colleagues suddenly needed to manually filter out tens of thousands of unusable responses over the year....
...appropriate. A large proportion of the code is open source and being developed in the open. Some libraries are not yet open source but the team has a roadmap for...
...website runs on minimal technology, using inexpensive cloud hosting. Supported by established open source tools and developing code in the open. This is the right way to allow iteration and...
...needs of the service. Have used appropriate tools to build, host and operate the service and also put code in the open. Have capacity and flexibility to update and improve...
...not have full control over the HTML output, it is unclear whether the code is accessible. It was not clear from the presentation that the form components and fragments align...
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About this blog
This is a cross government blog about our work with data and the way we’re using performance analysis and data science techniques to improve service delivery and policy outcomes, and our work to find, access and use open government data.