Payrolling Benefits in Kind - Alpha Assessment
...metrics required for the service along with the instrumentation for the back end. The team had begun to engage with Data Guardians and other key assurance people in HMRC to...
...metrics required for the service along with the instrumentation for the back end. The team had begun to engage with Data Guardians and other key assurance people in HMRC to...
Home buyers and business intermediaries will be able to search for, gain data on and register property in the UK, without the need for the delays inherent in current paper...
...continuing to work with them to provide data to the current Performance Platform using the existing KPIs. Follow GDS on Twitter, and don’t forget to sign up for email alerts....
...(GDS), Office for National Statistics (ONS), Government Office for Science, and Civil Service analytical professions. Each analyst who is selected to take part in the programme is mentored by an...
...and follow the recommendations made in this report and see the Government Service Design Manual for further guidance. In order for the service to proceed to Public Beta, GDS require...
...just because it happens to be the most popular. But knowing that particular days are more popular than others might be useful knowledge for things like campaigns, for example. In...
...will allow them to map the user journey more effectively. This includes tracking how many people reach certain parts of the form, and differentiating between users who exit or click...
This week we held the 3rd meetup for people who do (or are interested in) user research across government. The theme for this meeting was to understand the different kinds...
...‘view’ based on the words used. These tools assign a number between 1 and -1 for each statement. A value of 1 represents a strongly positive sentiment, is neutral and...
...needs. Recommendations For the service to succeed at Live assessment, during the Beta it will be vital that Prison Visit Booking: publish the remainder of the service’s code openly, and...