Data Science - developing skills in government
...important to have the support of your line manager so discuss it with them and get in touch to find out how to apply. Our second intake has just graduated...
...important to have the support of your line manager so discuss it with them and get in touch to find out how to apply. Our second intake has just graduated...
Data Science combines statistics, programming, machine learning, automatic processing of unstructured data (including text mining) and visualisation. This can seem bewildering - many people are asking where to get started if they want to learn. This blog gives free resources that …
...such as RTextTools and RCurl, in just 13 lines of code, David was able to segregate the comments in to two groups: 1) those against and 2) those in favour... hear about the effort the team undertook to liaise with subject matter experts to ensure that the results produced were meaningful for each individual user. For the team at...
This post describes how techniques like changepoint analysis and sentiment scoring can be used to identify potential problems in a service. Problems such as an unexpected surge in demand can catch a service out. When a service fails to deliver …
...Teach & Try, an easy-to-use piece of machine-learning software which enables the user to build a classification system within minutes rather than weeks. Adavait Sarkar showcasing the GatherMiner software. A...
...just 3% (only 14 users succeeded, while 481 failed) on the mobile browser Opera Mini. Similarly, on the mobile UC Browser, just 3 users succeeded, while 242 failed. Unsurprisingly, these...
...easy to turn a website into a structured data feed that you can access via any application programming interface (API). The Show and Tell event was particularly helpful in sowing...
...government departments with limited digital resources prioritise the improvement of those areas that result in the greatest return on investment for citizens. If work like this sounds good for you,...
The UK runs lots of public consultations – over 500 since January!