Data science
Last year we launched the Data Science Accelerator Programme, believing that “time, training and technology” could help government analysts learn data science skills. Participants in the programme dedicate time away...
Data Science combines statistics, programming, machine learning, automatic processing of unstructured data (including text mining) and visualisation. This can seem bewildering - many people are asking where to get started if they want to learn. This blog gives free resources that …
...such as RTextTools and RCurl, in just 13 lines of code, David was able to segregate the comments in to two groups: 1) those against and 2) those in favour...
...To remedy this problem, graph databases have been proposed as a new and efficient way of querying large amounts of data with complex relationships. Graph databases have been successfully employed...
This post describes how techniques like changepoint analysis and sentiment scoring can be used to identify potential problems in a service. Problems such as an unexpected surge in demand can catch a service out. When a service fails to deliver …
...Teach & Try, an easy-to-use piece of machine-learning software which enables the user to build a classification system within minutes rather than weeks. Adavait Sarkar showcasing the GatherMiner software. A... at the end of the postcode field, then the lookup always failed. This probably affected mobile users because phone keyboards often automatically insert spaces after words, as shown above.... working for GDS – we’re usually in search of talented people to come and join the team. Sign up now for email updates from this blog or subscribe to...
In a world where online surveys are often distributed to understand user needs, the main challenge is no longer the gathering of data but dealing with the vast quantities of...
The UK runs lots of public consultations – over 500 since January!