Government data scientists demo projects at GDS Show and Tell
...easy to turn a website into a structured data feed that you can access via any application programming interface (API). The Show and Tell event was particularly helpful in sowing...
...easy to turn a website into a structured data feed that you can access via any application programming interface (API). The Show and Tell event was particularly helpful in sowing...
...decided: what to include where to host it how to display the information What to include Sarah and I, the performance analysts, met the scrum team and talked about the...
...devices and browsers, including mobiles and tablets, before it is ready to go live. More information here: 5. The ability to make quick changes or improvements to the service...
...on a domain. Reasons The team have shown that they have a good understanding of who their users are including buyers within government, organisations supplying to government, and those... to try and meet those needs. Plans are in place to test the AD service, and while there is still work to do to ensure scalability and continuity of...
Tax Credits Change of Circumstances allows users to view and update the information used to calculate their tax credits. The aim is to offer an easy to use service that...
...a plan in place to allow A/B and multivariate testing using the govuk_frontend_toolkit. upgrade to Google Analytics Universal Analytics tracking code, use IP anonymisation and use goals and funnels to...
...professional recruitment methods to find a broader range of users (including those who will need assisted digital support to use the service) and understand their needs. This may include direct... easier to read. the way that entry errors are shown to users, to make it straightforward to complete the forms correctly More detailed suggestions are provided in the design...
...a sample of the documents used as input, tagged to the newly generated topics. This allowed our IA to quickly check if the documents have been tagged to topics in...