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Performance Analysis

My first 6 months as Head of Digital Performance Analytics

photo of Gemma Elsworth presenting a slide on the 'Ice lolly data team'

...analysts do Digital Performance Analysts work with teams that are building new digital products, such as online applications for social security benefits or a new communication tool for DWP employees....

Mixing methods: a recipe for research success

Louise and Haur stand either side of a TV screen, about to present to team colleagues about the 'Third method'

Mixing methods is an approach to research which combines quantitative and qualitative data. Haur and Louise describe how they have used this approach working in the EU Exit Citizen Readiness team at GOV.UK. As a performance analyst, I (Haur) predominantly …

Building data dashboards that meet user needs

An excerpt from a dashboard about the platform health of a website. It shows: A table and bar chart to show device usage (in sessions) by month The average document interactive time by device and month The percentage of error pages (404s) by month

Data democratisation is a hot topic for analysts, so at the Government Digital Service we wanted to share how we’ve approached this by understanding teams’ user needs for data and what we’ve learned whilst working with these data sources.

What we've been up to in performance analysis and opportunities ahead

Team discussing data visualisation displayed on TV screen

Four years ago we redefined our role in GDS. Since then we've built an active community of practice across government and worked to build a 'data culture' within product teams. Find out what we've done and our plans for the next year.

Performance analysis and user research cross-government meetup

Performance analysts and user researchers reporting back after retrospective

Digital analytics and other data sets tell us what is happening, and user research helps us understand why. So, working together, our two disciplines can provide richer insight for our colleagues in multidisciplinary teams. In October, between 70 and 80 …

Developing a standard approach to implementing analytics at the DWP

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What is the best way to implement Google Analytics (GA) on Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) services? As DWP digital performance analysts, that is the question we asked ourselves last year, after realising that different services were often tagged …

Building a data dashboard for a service delivery team

Dashboard showing use of simple descriptions, columns of information, charts, a table for information that wouldn’t work well in a chart

I recently wrote about iterating the way we share data when the user needs of the teams we work with change. A quick recap. As digital performance analysts we’ve got lots of ways of sharing data: daily reports, weekly reports …

Data has users (with needs) too

Our new dashboard in Google Data Studio

I’m Catherine Hope and I lead the team of Digital Performance Analysts working in Newcastle on the DWP’s retirement provision services. I’m also the DWP’s Data Presentation Champion, and get very excited by charts! I’m going to tell you about …