Family and Friends - Alpha Assessment
...the online service independently. The service team must give early consideration to how they will open the source code for the Service to ensure that any small parts of code...
...the online service independently. The service team must give early consideration to how they will open the source code for the Service to ensure that any small parts of code...
...financially? We’ve had 5,881 visits to the service design manual search over 6 months, and reckon it took about £3,000 worth of internal developer time to build. The code should... applications for the first time ever, as well as mechanisms for verifying details of people on existing electoral registers (46 million) and those that apply online, over the phone...
...this will reduce the rate of errors and increase the rate of change. Source code The service team should ensure that the approach to source code is open by default,...
...take-up of the service properly extrapolated. 16. Make all new source code open and reuseable, and publish it under appropriate licences (or provide a convincing explanation as to why this...
...the design and design changes (as a result of feedback/data analysis) can be delivered quickly. 2. Implement plan to separate secret code separate from platform and publish non-sensitive code as...
...etc. Open Source Code The panel were encouraged to hear HMRC are making progress in this area, but we are still yet to see any service code published. Publishing source...
...overall cost per apprenticeship filled, or a similar metric would be a useful additional key performance indicator for the service. The service is in two parts (finding apprenticeships and applying...
...have yet to make all new source code open and reusable, and publish it under appropriate licences. This needs to happen or the team need to provide a suitable explanation...
...source code to be made publicly available. Rather than making a judgement on what source code will be useful and reusable, the default approach should be to publish (sensitive information...