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Reproducible Analytical Pipelines

Using Data Science for Next-Gen Statistics

Rap sticker on a laptop

As the 21st century progresses, using data effectively has become a priority for many organisations, including the Office for National Statistics (ONS). The ONS's unique focus, however, goes beyond just utilising data effectively. The organisations ultimate goal is to create …

Mentoring a Successful RAP Project

Three people sitting at a table looking at laptop. One person is pointing at the screen.

Reproducible Analytical Pipelines (RAPs) are automated statistical and analytical processes. They ensure that analysis is reproducible, efficient, and high quality.   The Analysis Standards and Pipelines team have worked with teams across government to help them implement RAP. From our experiences …

Software engineering in analysis? See what happens next!

Three sets are shown: dreamers, coders and hackers. Where dreamers and coders intersect we have hackers. The sign for hackers has been crossed out and replaced with RAP Champions.

We're borrowing software engineering tools to make analytical code more robust, and encouraging people to ditch spreadsheets for programming languages. Our aim is ease of reproducibility, quality assurance, auditability, adaptability and sustainability of our analysis.