...discussion with the Analytical Systems and Pipelines Hub on a training series on reproducible coding. Voluntary Application of the Code of Practice for Statistics: The Code of Practice for Statistics...
...below, to notify us that the site has gone down or the Google Analytics code has been taken off. Example of a custom alert configuration Limitations in the user interface...
...needs. Recommendations For the service to succeed at Live assessment, during the Beta it will be vital that Prison Visit Booking: publish the remainder of the service’s code openly, and...
...of GOV.UK and are looking to re-use existing design patterns and code libraries where possible thinking about a future vision of the service which would enable increased channel shift so...
...to an in-house user researcher. GDS were not assured how the current team would be able to design/test/code quickly without this support being in place, particularly for a Live service....
...non-digital steps. 15. Product code not open is but all new code and functionality is reusable. 16. N/A at this stage. May consider IDA platform when established. 22-24. Do not...
...the Python microframework Flask. The code for communicating with the Met Office application programme interfaces (APIs) is written in Python, with data stored in a NoSQL Mongo database. We'll make...
...consider how to clarify and streamline this process. Point 15 - Make all new source code open and reuseable, and publish it under appropriate licences (or provide a convincing explanation...
...of the public beta release the team must: make their source code open and reusable. The team explained that the code was written to be shared and reusable but it...
...code being completed and deployed was measurable in days however, currently achieved 4 big releases per year. The panel would suggest that wherever it is achievable for completed code to...
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This is a cross government blog about our work with data and the way we’re using performance analysis and data science techniques to improve service delivery and policy outcomes, and our work to find, access and use open government data.