ePayments - Service Assessment
...a key concern. The team did not feel support was needed from third parties for AD services, but the team need to understand what is already being provided. For example,...
...a key concern. The team did not feel support was needed from third parties for AD services, but the team need to understand what is already being provided. For example,...
...and decision-making more transparent. Why use open source code for data analysis? To summarise many other articles on the benefits of using open source code for data analysis: Analyses and...
...code will lead to other services learning how to expose similar functionality in that manner. It should also provide working code for ideas that could potentially be taken to the...
...to different things being reported on, in different formats, and typically for White/Other, or simply a series of figures for the combined minority ethnic groups. Email me or leave a...
...help users quickly log the information necessary to send their sample (e.g. ‘farm animal health tracking’ for ‘surveillance’, ‘sample information’ for ‘submission’, ‘to help us improve future testing’ for ‘test...
...tests for your code. Instead of spending time configuring your test suite, we have set up the pytest framework for you, as well as coverage.py for code coverage, so you...
...for a fix to live are in under an hour without the need for downtime releases. Design To compensate for no Beta, the service team have carried out intensive user...
...user research and analytics. Make source code open and reusable - point 15 For beta assessment the panel expect to see steps taken for this project to be coded in...
...the Department for Education (DfE) uses an extended set of codes to record the ethnicity of students and teachers based around the 2001 Census classifications. Having these detailed ethnicity codes...
...output. Designing such a system for GOV.UK required considering a number of different problem areas to find the best trade-offs for GOV.UK itself, for GDS, and for similar projects within...