Employment Intermediaries - Alpha Assessment
...team to follow and for other teams to emulate. They explained how they now have a fully functioning development environment with integrated testing. Their process for getting code deployed is...
...team to follow and for other teams to emulate. They explained how they now have a fully functioning development environment with integrated testing. Their process for getting code deployed is...
...of code working properly you can very quickly reuse the same code again, changing it to collect different metrics and dimensions. For example in the complete script I have quickly...
...right tools. For this reason, we highly recommend checking out the "Quality assurance of code for analysis and research" online book, written by the Quality and Improvement team at the...
...beta. Point 15 - Unless there is a reason not to for a specific subset of the source code (for example a verified security risk), the service team should be...
...and on-site testing and there is usability testing for each iteration. The focus in user testing has been tasked-based with payroll staff for medium and large organisations (those with more...
...the service team have built a set of web-based forms that aims to replicate the paper form for tax credits renewal, without taking the opportunity to use the digital service...
...and making decisions accordingly. The team have solved problems for users, such as having 2 start pages for the service for different audiences. The service team have not specifically tackled...
...meets user needs Recommendations for Beta While these are not required for the alpha reassessment, they should be considered during beta development and before coming in for a beta assessment....
...waste from their own business, pay no fee (lower tier). Other users, who carry wastes for others, pay a fee for registration (upper tier). For upper tier users, registrants are...
...a key concern. The team did not feel support was needed from third parties for AD services, but the team need to understand what is already being provided. For example,...