govcookiecutter: A template for data science projects
...tests for your code. Instead of spending time configuring your test suite, we have set up the pytest framework for you, as well as for code coverage, so you...
...tests for your code. Instead of spending time configuring your test suite, we have set up the pytest framework for you, as well as for code coverage, so you...
...the Department for Education (DfE) uses an extended set of codes to record the ethnicity of students and teachers based around the 2001 Census classifications. Having these detailed ethnicity codes...
...output. Designing such a system for GOV.UK required considering a number of different problem areas to find the best trade-offs for GOV.UK itself, for GDS, and for similar projects within...
...for evaluating these risks and for making subsequent decisions. The service manager should be involved in and understand these decisions. Ensure that visitor IP collected by the analytics package is...
...discussion with the Analytical Systems and Pipelines Hub on a training series on reproducible coding. Voluntary Application of the Code of Practice for Statistics: The Code of Practice for Statistics... not recommend testing with non-working elements. Efficient testing, happens when a thin, horizontal slice through the interaction is prioritised for one user group (e.g. searching for local schools for...
...end for this. The form should also work without JavaScript and must be tested for accessibility. - Analysis and Benchmarking: If keeping Google Analytics this should be upgraded to Google...
...between policy and implementation is a concern for the assessment panel. In particular, the perceived need for secrecy which has hampered the user research portion of the project and prevented...
...with them to ensure that their non-repudiation requirements will be met. Coding in the Open The team are committed to open sourcing the code for the service from the outset....
The existing passport service within the UK allows you to complete an online application form to apply for, renew or update a passport. The user then prints a declaration form,...