Transforming the process of producing official statistics
...Practice Team, we also ran a series of seminars to help analysts from across government develop new skills. To capitalise on this interest, we’ve been working with three departments to...
...Practice Team, we also ran a series of seminars to help analysts from across government develop new skills. To capitalise on this interest, we’ve been working with three departments to...
...of research, talking to users of the website and users of the publishing tools. The team also benchmarked the beta website against the existing site by testing tasks that users...
...serious challenges of working with more than 600 GA users. The existing interface and API make it very hard to work with so many users. Google’s “one account, all of...
...other government services related to the user’s situation, in line with the on-screen service - the panel were pleased to see AD users getting the same consideration as users who...
...experimentation and user feedback Adam decided that with the current user infrastructure limitations his data visualisations will have to stay in 2D for now. Enhance your calm with Twitter API...
...non-digital steps. 15. Product code not open is but all new code and functionality is reusable. 16. N/A at this stage. May consider IDA platform when established. 22-24. Do not...
...below, to notify us that the site has gone down or the Google Analytics code has been taken off. Example of a custom alert configuration Limitations in the user interface...
...regularly explored original ways of using the interface functionality and the API. This experimentation has opened up new understanding of user behaviour which wasn’t available to us before. We’ve regularly...
...the service expands either to include other countries, or other visa types. Make all new source code open and reusable While it is fantastic that part of the codebase has...
...for users currently relying on friends and family. Gathers evidence that the full end-to-end user journey (from when the user starts to seek information about the service through to when...