One home for government services data

...places - the Performance Platform and the Transactions Explorer. Over the past year we’ve been looking to integrate these two products and today we’ve brought them together. Moving everything to...
...places - the Performance Platform and the Transactions Explorer. Over the past year we’ve been looking to integrate these two products and today we’ve brought them together. Moving everything to...
...rate is around 70%. New Lasting Power of Attorney completion rate It's still not perfect The new completion rate is much closer to our understanding of how the service...
If you visit our services page today you'll see it has a new look. We’ll continue to iterate on this page, as we’re doing elsewhere on the Performance Platform. But...
...can see for yourself. We think it’ll be particularly useful for dashboard owners - they’ll be able to see at a glance how many times their data is being viewed.... app which people in the team are using to build dashboards. Now we are seeing how we can learn from this to create something useful for colleagues around government...
...middle ground between what they have found to be really important data and unimportant data. This is a point we understand - all data may not be useful to all...
...always needed our developers to write the code. The Admin App, codenamed the Onboarding App, changes this. On average a new dashboard took us weeks to develop. The app means... line. Assessing whether this communication channel is effective could be a point of further investigation for the council. Solihull Council chief information officer, Steve Halliday, has blogged about further... displayed on the right hand side. You’ll also notice we now show the latest value about your service rather than the average. This is because our performance dashboards are... in one – the initial bookings (1.5 million p.a.) and then ‘changes’ to those bookings (0.8 million p.a.). We define ‘change transactions’ as moving the date of the appointment...
This is a cross government blog about our work with data and the way we’re using performance analysis and data science techniques to improve service delivery and policy outcomes, and our work to find, access and use open government data.
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