Claim Personal Independence Payment - Service Assessment
...the open. Though not necessary for the alpha reassessment, it will be important for the beta assessment that you have released all of your code unless there are robust and...
...the open. Though not necessary for the alpha reassessment, it will be important for the beta assessment that you have released all of your code unless there are robust and...
...public beta that is intelligently shaped to meet user needs. The model includes phone and face-to-face support for those who need it, and provides alternative support options for those currently...
...more on what users do and what works for them, rather than asking for them for feedback. For example, the panel noted that the A/B user research the team explained...
I’ve been passionate about presenting data clearly for over 10 years now, and recently took the lead of a cross-government group of “Presentation Champions”. We share best practice for designing...
...set for the first time? The Problem Take our GOV.UK feedback survey for example, you may have seen it appear in the header of the site from time to time,...
...point of view of defined and evidence-based user needs rather than stakeholder opinions, design issues about the choice between optimising for efficiency and optimising for accuracy and completeness in search...
...applied for. What’s next? We can’t wait to share more about the role our team is playing in making things better for users of government services. Keep a lookout for...
...agreed standard for directories of public services data. It will aim to help users or their support workers find trusted, specific and personalised data that is appropriate for what they...
...code being completed and deployed was measurable in days however, currently achieved 4 big releases per year. The panel would suggest that wherever it is achievable for completed code to... the Quality Assurance of Code for Analysis and Research for a detailed look at RAP principles. My colleague Rowan has recently written a blog about building open source tools...