...of research, talking to users of the website and users of the publishing tools. The team also benchmarked the beta website against the existing site by testing tasks that users...
...Assessment Stage: Live Lead Assessor: A. Bye / A. Ainsworth Service Manager: P. Buckley Digital Leader: A. Bye Assessors Summary: User Needs The service team have testing the new application...
...for users currently relying on friends and family. Gathers evidence that the full end-to-end user journey (from when the user starts to seek information about the service through to when...
...drive some users to this service, the team should use user research to develop a plan to actively promote the new service and increase digital take-up. Design feedback will be...
...high-quality data that can be shared easily and securely to improve services for the end users. With this in mind, the Spring Budget announced new funding for a cross-government Data...
User feedback is one of the most direct ways that the Government Digital Service (GDS) learns about user experience. It helps us identify problems, learn what is working, and hear...
...we decided to go with Performance analyst. In GDS, we focus on understanding user needs and measuring how well our content and services perform in meeting those needs. This title...
We’ve written a lot recently about how we’re building the GOV.UK of the future. This means making things easier for users through things like considering voice assistants and building step...
...a post every week telling a new data story. Next week, we’ll look at what a deep analysis of the articles on GOV.UK reveals about the lifespan of government news....
...the LASSO regression method recommends fewer actions than GLM, but achieves nearly the same degree of user satisfaction. A total of 28 actions will address 93.56% of the user needs,...
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This is a cross government blog about our work with data and the way we’re using performance analysis and data science techniques to improve service delivery and policy outcomes, and our work to find, access and use open government data.