...and to iterate rapidly.This ability will continue through to live operation. The team iterated features continuously during beta in response to user research. They are committed to further improving the...
...Product Manager are responsible for and empowered to take user feedback to a dedicated development team to enable continuous improvement. The team The service team is an excellent example of...
...understanding of the target user group was reached. This research could have included contextual research with target users to understand their experience of finding themselves in debt to the government,...
...believes that to become user centred, this team has to reach out to its audience, and elevate their needs to sit above technical and policy constraints. User Research The disconnect...
...we made was the desire to find out how long things take to do. These two pictures show where service teams put ‘Time on transaction’ (how long it takes a...
...the tool attached to the ‘Take a registration off a vehicle’ service. This was simply to provide context on how the tool will be used, but the service itself was...
...to remove unnecessary risks and issues from the service. The service is unable to perform end-to-end testing in an environment identical to live due to the numerous integrations with legacy...
Urmy explains how to connect to the Performance Platform Last week we held the first ever Performance Platform user forum. We've wanted to have a get together for a while...
...needs to ensure quality, auditable and reliable data is supplied? How do we respond to any failure to supply? But we need to think more broadly than the product itself...
...to to try and meet those needs. Plans are in place to test the AD service, and while there is still work to do to ensure scalability and continuity of...
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This is a cross government blog about our work with data and the way we’re using performance analysis and data science techniques to improve service delivery and policy outcomes, and our work to find, access and use open government data.