NHS 111 - service assessment
...in terms of skills and experience and appropriately funded to take the service into beta development. The methods of working evidenced by the team are in line with agile best...
...in terms of skills and experience and appropriately funded to take the service into beta development. The methods of working evidenced by the team are in line with agile best...
...and product owner and has already started to contribute to the service. The panel was particularly pleased to hear of plans to continue improving the service post-live Point 5: The...
...pages into another sheet tab where I used the ImportXML function to scrape the last content update information into column D (ImportXML values). I used the MID function to just...
...and OFSTED – intelligent, numerate people for us to talk to and test things with. We further developed our designs by grabbing these innocent civil servants in the office canteen...
...so we asked the service managers to design dream dashboards that: include any type of data or data source that relates to how the service performs - including online and...
...In addition to the communication aspect, Twitter accounts hold invaluable information about the actual follower networks that form around individual accounts. Toby Butler and Elizabeth Flinter in the FCO's Digital...
Home buyers and business intermediaries will be able to search for, gain data on and register property in the UK, without the need for the delays inherent in current paper...
...rate still doesn't take into account some of those users. We’re working with the Lasting Power of Attorney team and our Product Analysts to look in to the best way...
...to develop my project - a proposal to identify phoenix companies in order to tackle fraud. Phoenixism, or contrived insolvency, is when company directors use insolvency as a loophole to...
...pages, to help people get to and explore the content they need. Our first experiment to generate these links used the semantic vector representation of content to display the most...