Annual Tax Summaries - Beta Assessment assisted digital support to support users but this is not yet in place. As an interim measure in beta, the team has arranged to provide assisted digital support by... assisted digital support to support users but this is not yet in place. As an interim measure in beta, the team has arranged to provide assisted digital support by...
...the opportunity to create a service that better meets user needs isn’t lost. To do this, future user-research needs to be conducted with a broader range of users with ‘real’...
...manual analysis by their teams of expert reviewers. We’d like to see similar machine learning used in more UK consultations. It could make better use of human readers (eg by...
...The service team have conducted user research across a wide range of potential users to help them to develop their user needs and learn from other existing services. User research...
...will in turn support your service users, with plans to open up further. The team also demonstrated the use of open source tools and open standards to avoid vendor lock...
...the payment platform. Recommendations User needs and user research The team have so far seen all users fail to complete the ultimate user need - driving a vehicle legally -...
...will enable the team to understand those users’ needs for support and start to make decisions during the beta phase about how, specifically, to meet those needs. The service has...
...since we started. Git repo: We have one but it’s empty and we don’t know how best to use it. We need to agree if we’re going to keep it... evidence to drive improvements to the service through beta. And as user volumes have grown, they are making effective use of analytics data and user feedback from their end...
...advice from GDS. Recommendations - User needs: The team should put together a plan for user research and ideally should have access to a dedicated user researcher. This is a...