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Building data dashboards that meet user needs

An excerpt from a dashboard about the platform health of a website. It shows: A table and bar chart to show device usage (in sessions) by month The average document interactive time by device and month The percentage of error pages (404s) by month resolve this. Multiple items in one cell/column This is also not uncommon. One solution is to use the ‘text to columns’ function to separate text. Multiple formats in one...

We need a standard for sharing beneficial ownership data

A game board representing strategic links between people.

...Second, implementation is at an early stage internationally, creating a window of opportunity to align standards before implementation, rather than retrospectively. How to contribute to the beneficial ownership Open Standard...

Comparing ethnicity data for different countries

...collected information on “ethnic identity” * 7 collected information on indigenous identity (for example, people who are Torres Strait Islanders in Australia) In some countries information collected on “migrant status”...