Updating the Government Data Ethics Framework
...studies of how you’ve used the Framework in your project, if you have ideas on how to further embed and promote the Framework in your organisation, or if you’re interested...
...studies of how you’ve used the Framework in your project, if you have ideas on how to further embed and promote the Framework in your organisation, or if you’re interested...
...media analysis, geospatial tools, web scraping and various types of visualisation (e.g. R Shiny and Leaflet and D3 javascript libraries). But we’re always open to new ideas... How do we...
...including the skills and experience needed to focus on improvements to meet user needs. This is encouraging to see in such a short period of time. However, we would have...
...be tested with colleagues at Innovate UK. The plan is to tune the input and model parameters to see how to get the most out of them. Do you have...
...Regulations require public bodies to publish information to show they comply with the Equality Duty relating to their employees, and others affected by their policies or practices. Public bodies which...
...Donation service was assessed against the standard to conform to a Cabinet Office spend control requirement. This was a voluntary assessment in order to help you assess performance and to...
...example the team should continue to investigate the usability of the check code and related parts of the process for giving and activating permission to view a driving record, to...
...the Digital by Default Service Standard at this early stage of development. However it will be necessary to address a number of areas in order to successfully pass a Beta...
...of transaction questionnaire. partnered well with other parts of HMRC to remove blockers to service development made progress in making source code open since the beta assessment. It was particularly...
...when it’s applied to specific products, and many interesting pieces of analysis get published on the various product blogs currently on the go. To make sure we’re pulling all the...