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Data science

Connecting the dots: network science on GOV.UK

Image showing 3 post-its describing the 3 network types: (a) structural, (b) functional and (3) semantic. The respective ways of inducing a relationship between the pages in the networks are: (a) hyperlink exists from one page to go to the next, (b) user clicks to go from one page to the next and (c) the documents are semantically similar

...links to other related pages. Then certain navigational links that facilitate browsing, like breadcrumbs and other items from the relevant topic in the taxonomy, are automatically linked to the new...

Boosting data science skills with the Data Science Accelerator

Bharath Vadhoola at the Government Digital Service offices holding a blue mug

...from across the public sector (including local and central government). On the Accelerator Joining the Accelerator meant I would have one day a week, over 3 months, as protected time...

How we used deep learning to structure GOV.UK’s content

A laptop covered in stickers, including one that reads 'GOV.UK 6'

We're using supervised machine learning to organise all the content on GOV.UK, which means we can do things like create step by step journeys and consider voice activation. Here's what the data science team did.