Digital Marketplace - Service Assessment
...of GOV.UK and are looking to re-use existing design patterns and code libraries where possible thinking about a future vision of the service which would enable increased channel shift so...
...of GOV.UK and are looking to re-use existing design patterns and code libraries where possible thinking about a future vision of the service which would enable increased channel shift so...
...code being completed and deployed was measurable in days however, currently achieved 4 big releases per year. The panel would suggest that wherever it is achievable for completed code to...
...the service expands either to include other countries, or other visa types. Make all new source code open and reusable While it is fantastic that part of the codebase has... source reusable code you should: ensure that code is opened as first priority when a new developer starts; if the repo is not public from the start there is... process) it is recommended that the personas are adapted to reflect this. If the different personas have more nuanced needs from the product, it is recommended that appropriate product...
...applicants complete combined with a backend which the FCO uses as it processes applications. A login is required to the system. It replaces a previous system which is now well...
...user research and analytics. Make source code open and reusable - point 15 For beta assessment the panel expect to see steps taken for this project to be coded in...
...complete the digital service independently. The AD support also includes digital inclusion approaches through scripting and signposting. Needs assessment is in place within the phone support, for the issuing of...
...and improvement to happen. Design The service team should look at the design patterns hackpad to ensure the service is conforming to the latest approaches of applying the GOV.UK style..., the integration of design and research appears to be working well. Security, Privacy, Tools and Standards There is no personal data stored and no accounts. Testing is run in...