...benefits which data science tools and approaches can bring to respective issues and problems. The programme is backed by the Government Digital Service (GDS), the Office for National Statistics (ONS),...
...The programme provides civil servants the chance to access data science tools and data scientist mentors. It’s free to participate in and is open to analysts and aspiring data scientists...
...pages, to help people get to and explore the content they need. Our first experiment to generate these links used the semantic vector representation of content to display the most...
...for CI and there is a budget allocated, the RCR Service Manager will need to demonstrate clearly how CI is working in practice when the service applies to move into...
...permission to continue development as it moves from Alpha to Private Beta. Outcome of service assessment After reviewing the assessment report GDS are pleased to say we have concluded the...
...delivered a closed alpha of the service and are seeking permission to move the service to a limited public beta starting with 5 countries overseas, increasing to other countries over...
People Finder aims to be provide an accurate, easy to maintain search service for staff to find where, when and with whom staff work within MOJ HQ. Currently used by...
...yellow paper insert to direct users to the digital service first. The digital service then guides users to locate the required information in the requisition pack allowing them to respond...
...the data about contracts and helping to define appropriate standards. The team is in contact with the Performance Platform to ensure it’s collecting the required metrics and to identify how...
...to exempt themselves from paying court or tribunal fees or to have refunded the fees users have already paid. Of the c. 500,000 paper applications to HMCTS for fee remission...
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About this blog
This is a cross government blog about our work with data and the way we’re using performance analysis and data science techniques to improve service delivery and policy outcomes, and our work to find, access and use open government data.