Improving customer insights: the merits of using LASSO
...where big data is routine. It's advantageous to any organisation where resources are limited. To test the use of this new LASSO regression method in government, we created an artificial...
...where big data is routine. It's advantageous to any organisation where resources are limited. To test the use of this new LASSO regression method in government, we created an artificial...
Today we’re releasing a new performance dashboard for activity on GOV.UK. This shows total web traffic to the GOV.UK site, the most popular content on GOV.UK, and trends in the... do this themselves online. The dashboard gives managers of the service useful information to help them improve its performance: what is the average cost per transaction? has the digital...
...ongoing user research is in place. The service requires users to provide their National Insurance number, though this is not strictly required to make a plea. For some users, providing...
...enough users have been through the service for it to proceed to public beta. The first iteration is a non-JavaScript version which is a good approach, but means that the...
...(which I currently do manually). When user selectable date ranges are introduced to the Platform, I’ll look forward to being able to more easily align the data with specific iterations...
...with real users has been carried out to date, much of the feedback gathered was incorporated into the services design. There is a commitment to visit operators and observe the...
...since the early stages of Beta development and found it particularly reassuring to see how much user research had been undertaken and improvements made to the service as a result....
...our work to find, access and use open government data. Data is an important part of the 2017-2020 Government Transformation Strategy, and this blog brings together the work of colleagues...
The Register for Marriage Allowance service will allow users to register their interest in applying to transfer £1,060 of their personal tax allowance to their spouse or civil partner. Users...