Our new guidance on how to manage data
...Code of Practice (TCoP) guidance collection on GOV.UK, which technology teams across government must follow. Updating the spend control process to focus more on data One of the aims of...
...Code of Practice (TCoP) guidance collection on GOV.UK, which technology teams across government must follow. Updating the spend control process to focus more on data One of the aims of...
...to run and maintain the infrastructure, but any cost associated with a potential delay in publishing, even if it’s not immediately financial. We will need to decide on an organisational...
...upcoming workshops by emailing data-standards-authority@digital.cabinet-office.gov.uk or by dropping us a comment below Sign up to our metadata workshop on the Eventbrite page Sign up to our API Catalogue event here...
...government users in different departments share the same understanding of what information should represent, how trusted it is and how best to find it. For data standards to be really...
...was only available in a complex HTML document. As a government department we have an obligation to make services and content accessible and easy to understand, so we knew this...
This post explains how the Government Digital Service (GDS) have implemented updates from schema.org to GOV.UK, to make important coronavirus content easier to find for users.