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People and Skills

Data Science Accelerator Programme 2021: Applications now open

Data Science in Government

...Testimonials We caught up with 3 graduates from the latest Accelerator cohort. They spoke about why they chose the Accelerator, how the programe helped them, their experiences of being mentored...

Government Data Science community meetup, May 2020

Data Science in Government

...and the public sector. Machine Learning is a method for creating algorithms that enable computers to learn from data to make predictions. Examples of machine learning techniques are; reinforcement learning,...

Mixing methods: a recipe for research success

Louise and Haur stand either side of a TV screen, about to present to team colleagues about the 'Third method'

Mixing methods is an approach to research which combines quantitative and qualitative data. Haur and Louise describe how they have used this approach working in the EU Exit Citizen Readiness team at GOV.UK. As a performance analyst, I (Haur) predominantly …

Boosting data science skills with the Data Science Accelerator

Bharath Vadhoola at the Government Digital Service offices holding a blue mug

...from across the public sector (including local and central government). On the Accelerator Joining the Accelerator meant I would have one day a week, over 3 months, as protected time...